DONATION BY CHECK - MAIL TO; FOA - POBOX 110206 - TRUMBULL CT 06611 please put the volunteers name you are supporting in the memo section SO WE CAN CREDIT THEM WITH YOUR DONATION! COFFEE FUNDRAISER ORDER FORM - GO TO FUNDRAISER TAB

Friends of Appalachia, Inc. proudly supports:
Appalachia Service Project, Inc. www.asphome.org
FOA volunteers travel from Connecticut to Central Appalachia and work directly with families for a week in the rain and hot summer sun to make homes warmer, safer, and drier. FOA has traditionally been able to go above and beyond by providing additional money directly to the projects we work on.
Appalachia Service Project, Inc. www.asphome.org
FOA volunteers travel from Connecticut to Central Appalachia and work directly with families for a week in the rain and hot summer sun to make homes warmer, safer, and drier. FOA has traditionally been able to go above and beyond by providing additional money directly to the projects we work on.